We have been working hard over the past few weeks to create more worship videos, and they are finally done! Today we release the first one, Spirit Move. 

When COVID-19 shut down the world, we knew that chapels, churches, bible studies, missionaries, and other ministries would need some digital resources to continue ministering to their communities. Large churches with large budgets were able to start filming worship services to share online, but we wanted to provide something to ministries that don’t have such resources. So, we piled some friends into a garage and shot THE GARAGE SESSION. Just a handful of songs that would be easy to show, share, and encourage ministries to keep moving forward during a shut down. We wanted it to feel intimate and create a connection with the viewer, and not just recreate a church service, on a stage in front of a congregation. We wanted to create a unique environment that would allow viewers to connect with the Holy Spirit without any distractions. There was no way to know how these would be received, or if anyone would be able to use them. But at the very least, we were going to raise our voices together.

Since then, we have been asked for more videos, which led to THE CROSSFIT SESSION where we took over a cross-fit gym and were able to record a few more songs. Then last month a church in Kentucky asked us to make some videos to help support their vision of a virtual youth camp. This felt like a great idea, and something we wanted to be a part of.  We planned another video shoot, this time in a proper rehearsal studio in north Nashville called Diamond Sound Studios. Thus, THE DIAMOND SESSION. We packed as many songs into one day as we could!  This session was by far the most fun, most work, and we believe will be the most impactful.

To our supporters and those who have used the previous videos, we already sent download links for all the new songs. If your ministry would like access to these please email us so we can get them to you as soon as possible. They are 100% free. We are humbled and blessed that we can be a part of what God is doing in so many communities. 

THE DIAMOND SESSION videos will be released publicly, one at a time, every week on our social media outlets. We hope that sharing them on social networks will break up some of the continuous negative images in your feed. And that as you scroll you will be reminded of who is truly in control of this crazy world. 

It is our true hope and prayer that these videos are used as a tool in your ministry. Please let us know how we can be supporting you by clicking on the CONTACT tab at the top of this screen.